Saturday, February 21, 2009

Matthews Destruction October, '08

This power boat is a Matthews. I don't know the model, but it is of a series of 35'. Here's what is would have looked like in better days:

Beautifully built, and the hull was in pretty good shape. Frames were still solid. Another Matthews of the same lineage was at the yard being rebuilt, too bad the owner couldn't just "swap" boats and put his money into this one (more on that one in the next posting).

I didn't get a chance to take any photos before this one was already chainsawed. Literally tons of Old Growth Honduras Mahogany (the good stuff). Boat was built in the 1950's when this material was still in plentiful supply. Salvaged what I could get my hands on but really not much, just some interior drawers and miscl. Mahogany lumber. I'll use them in my boat "Sprays" interor.

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